We conduct THROUGH site
assessments prior to
commencing Installation

Each individual job and work site comes with unique challenges and risks. To ensure full compliance with workplace safety requirements,

All installations come with a varying degree of risk, so assessing a site is an important step in our process. It allows our team to identify any potential risks specific to your site which may not be immediately obvious, communicate these potential risks to the right people, and address these issue before they become a real hazard. This can involve a wide range of problem solving techniques, including modifying job components or installation method, and accounting for additional safety measures and equipment to counteract the problem.

Additionally, no job is undertaken by unqualified personnel, especially jobs requiring specific checks, training or certification. There is no place for shortcuts when safety is at stake, so if a job requires special inductions, training or certifications, we will assign an already-qualified person, or gain the necessary training for compliance.